How Can Affordable Housing Software Help You?

If you are part of a property management company, you have a lot of responsibilities to deal with. Balancing budgets, taking care of tenants, and handling maintenance can all take a large portion of your time. If you want to find a way to manage time better and focus on the critical assets of your property management, then discover three ways that affordable housing software helps.

1. Simplifies the Tenant Application Process

Tenants constantly move in and out of properties, and so you need to always attract new tenants. However, you also want to make sure potential tenants are eligible. Conventional methods include time-consuming data entry and screenings. However, with the help of cutting-edge affordable housing software, the tenant application process becomes shorter, easier to manage, and financially beneficial.

Affordable housing software will take out the time, effort, and monotony of manually entering in each potential tenant. Instead, digital submissions are automatically generated for quick perusal.

Additionally, affordable housing software will enlist filters that prescreen applicants for you. That way, you will not have to use up valuable time interviewing every single applicant.

Finally, affordable housing software will help you understand what tenant will fit which unit. With applicable tenants able to provide information like income, the number of family members, or preferences for unit features, you'll be able to see what units are a better match than others.

2. Fills Up Your Vacant Units

When a tenant leaves a property, you now have a responsibility to move in another tenant in as soon as possible so that you avoid losing money. Additionally, you likely do not want a unit to stand vacant for too long, or you risk damage, theft, or even insurance issues. Also, a unit that has been vacant for a while might be off-putting for some potential tenants.

However, the process to vet, interview, and approve tenants for your vacant units can take time and leave your unit vacant for longer than necessary. With affordable housing software, you can find the eligible tenants quickly and approve them to move in. That way, vacant units will only be an expected short wait rather than a long-term hurdle to overcome.

3. Frees Up Time for Other Duties

As noted, property management companies have a lot of responsibilities. With the right affordable housing software, property management companies can spend less time on manual tasks such as entering in applicant information, writing and mailing out letters, or updating waitlists.

Instead, affordable housing software allows property management to focus on:

  • Setting, collecting, and adjusting rent

  • Taking care of regular, seasonal, and emergency maintenance and repairs

  • Setting up budgets

  • Maintaining current budgets

  • Recording, monitoring, and understanding budgets

  • Filing taxes

  • Keeping up to date on inspections

  • Helping current tenants

  • Cleaning up after previous tenants leave

  • Updating tenants on new laws and regulations

All of these take time, and so the efficiency that affordable housing software provides allows property management companies to allocate more time and effort to these tasks. That way, employees can often manage time better, get to tenant requests faster, and not feel as stressed if they struggle to juggle all their responsibilities.

Discover What Affordable Housing Software Can Do for You

If you are tired of using valuable time on long tasks that affordable housing software can instead do for you, then see how Haven Connect can work for you. Our affordable housing software does everything from updating your property waitlists regularly to filtering out ineligible applicants. If you want to learn more, please request a demo or see our pricing. We look forward to helping your work at your property management company become more efficient and effective.